World Herut

In 1999, when Benny Begin and Michael Kleiner split from the Likud on the political level, Karma Feinstein-Cohen, along with other Jabotinsky ideological adherents, left the Betar youth movement to start World Herut and its youth movement, Magshimey Herut (achievers of liberty); the reborn Jabotinsky movement for Zionist education and activism.

World Herut has established itself as an independent non-profit organization in eleven countries throughout the world. Each separate organization provides educational services for the participants located in their respective host countries.

World Herut initiates, promotes, and supports the activities of students, olim (Jews returning to Israel) and social action groups which are consistent with the Movement’s objectives. World Herut works in conjunction with the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency for Israel, and Keren Kayemet LeIsrael on projects that advance their common goals.

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