Then why are Jews so insular?

The insular character of the Jewish community, at home and in exile, can best be described in the form of analogy. Jews do not proselytize, but this age-old Israelite imperative […]


For nearly two thousand years of exile the Jewish people suffered terrible persecution at the hands of their host governments and peoples. In Arab/Islamic countries in both Africa and the […]


Staunch anti-assimilationist Ze’ev Jabotinsky may have inherited the national pride and self-actualization tenets of the Zionist ethos from the likes of Herzl and Pinkser, but he quickly made it his […]

World Herut

In 1999, when Benny Begin and Michael Kleiner split from the Likud on the political level, Karma Feinstein-Cohen, along with other Jabotinsky ideological adherents, left the Betar youth movement to […]

Eretz Yisrael: the Land of Israel

The land of Israel has traditionally been understood as one of the three pillars of Jewish civilization: The G-D of Israel, the People of Israel, and the Land of Israel. […]

The Iron Wall

The Iron Wall, Jabotinsky’s treatise— a cornerstone of Zionist thought— contextualizes the often misunderstood elements that underpin Zionism. Its legitimacy, necessity, and most importantly the justice it demands in the […]

Aren’t Jews a race?

While Jews have certainly been labeled by certain leaders and societies as belonging to a specific “race”, Jewish identity is rooted in concepts that are much deeper than blood and […]