The True Story Of The First Zionist

You ever wonder who the real first Zionist was? Ask different people you will get different answers. Such as Leon Pinsker-a, a late 19th century Zionist, Was the founder and leader of Hibbat Zion (Hebrew: חיבת ציון,) the Lovers of Zion movement. Theodor Herzl, Created the World Zionist Organization. Ze’ev Jabotinsky-Zionist philosopher and the creator of Revisionist Zionism….

How Queen Esther Saved Israel Again

Monday night, March 6 begins the holiday of Purim. It’s a Jewish holiday that celebrates the victory of Jewish people led by Queen Esther over an ancient Persian king’s grand vizier, Haman. Haman got permission from the king to kill all the Jews in the Persian Empire, but before he could complete his plan, it…

All About Shavuot My Favorite Jewish Holiday

Beginning with the sunset on Thursday, May 25th, Jews worldwide will start to observe Shavuot, my favorite of all the Jewish holidays (more on that later). Shavuot commemorates that incredible day when God himself spoke publicly to the newly freed Hebrew slaves about the Torah and what is popularly known as the Ten Commandments. Historically, Shavuot…