
Herut North America runs a pro-bono Aliyah assistance desk, supported by the Aliyah department of World Herut.

We can help you through the red tape.

Aliyah can be and should be a positive experience.

We are determined to help Olim to quickly and successfully integrate and prosper as productive citizens in Israeli society.

Before making Aliyah there is a long list of bureaucratic actions which every applicant must complete. Unfortunately, not all applicants are “cookie cutter” candidates. Special cases are often refused or told by the authorities to search for answers “on the website”.

In Herut we believe that every Jew has the right to come home and should be assisted in doing so. Herut NA has helped many applicants with “special needs” get the assistance they need. Anywhere from obtaining proof of Judaism, Adoption papers, legal documents for disabled family members and much more. These are cases that were turned down by the authorities due to their being “too complicated” and are now full-fledged citizens of the state of Israel.
Anyone who has ever relocated knows how stressful moving tends to be. The struggles that come from packing up all your belongings to finding a reliable mover and the manual labor of the physical move – just to name a few. ​However, these struggles are magnified when transferring oneself to the other side of the world; to a country whose language, culture and bureaucratic system are completely foreign. Unfortunately, a significant number of olim chadashim (new immigrants to Israel) give up in frustration and return to their countries of origin.

To make the transition easier, we have established a Department of Aliyah Assistance. With first-hand, on-site knowledge and experience, we help Olim navigate through the absorption process.

Want to make Aliyah and don’t know where to start?

Confused by all the bureaucracy?